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Allowing pets in your rental properties gives you a much larger market

System - Monday, May 5, 2014

One of the most common questions received here at Robinson Realty and Management is, “does the landlord allow pets”? Making the decision to allow pets at a property can be one of the more difficult decisions to make if you are a home owner. In such a competitive market you want your rental property to accommodate at many future residents as possible, and this one decision could actually make a huge difference. Not allowing pets could potentially mean you are missing out on great tenants for your property. The benefits to renting to families with pets is #1 - much larger market base, and from our history at Robinson Realty and Management is the families tend to stay much longer, therefore less turnover and loss of rent to the owner. Of course there are many things to consider when deciding if you should allow a pet in your rental home. Would a pet cause more damage than they are worth? Studies have proven that even if a pet had caused any damage, the amount of damage was never more than the additional security deposit given. If you are worried about the pets as a whole, then changing your property to small pets only, pet negotiable or pets under a certain weight limit can generate a lot more interest. 


Not to mention, local laws on Service Animals must also be taken into consideration, this can cause major litigation with Fair Housing practices.  Finding a property management company such as Robinson Realty & Management, can help to insure pets are approved first before tenants move-in and ensuring that both Robinson Realty & Management and the Owner follow all local and federal laws.